Fildena 150 mg: A Comprehensive Guide
Fildena 150 mg is a medication used to treat ED in men. It contains Sildenafil Citrate, which is the same active ingredient found in brand-name Viagra. Fildena is a generic version of Viagra.
Fildena 150mg is a medicine that can potentially help a male in overcoming the issues of getting a strong and sustainable penis erection. It is such a medicine that can promote erections even though you are suffering from erection issues of penile impotence.
Fildena 100mg is a medicine that comes under prescription use. This means that before using the medications you will need a consultation from the doctors to ensure your health safety.
A doctor will guide you in using the medicine, such as detailing the tenure and frequency of use. Other than this the doctors will also guide you to several different safety and precaution measures and recommend the dose administration instructions.
Ensure to follow such preventive measures as the doctors inform you otherwise you may have health issues. Yes, you may end up having the various health issues of the adverse side effects of the medicine such as suffering from headache, dizziness, nausea, and so on.
Other than this it is also possible to have some more severe side effects such as chest pain fluctuations in your blood pressure and so on which may cause you to suffer.
During your consultation with the doctor, you will have to discuss in detail any health sufferings or disorders that currently exist. Specifically, doctors won’t allow you to use the medicine when you are suffering from a severe heart disorder, a liver or a kidney issue.
Use of Sildenafil which is the generic component of the drug is capable of bringing erection changes but these may only remain temporarily for a few hours. During this time of Sildenafil activation,
the generic component of the medicine can trigger certain hormonal changes that can increase the blood flow supply through your penis tissues and being able to get an erection.
Buy Fildena 150 mg
To buy Fildena 150 Tablets you need to first decide on whether you want to source the pills online from a Mygenmedi pharmacy or the traditional way of sourcing the medicines from your local medicine shops. Of course, each one has its advantages and limitations so you need to check out offers and discounts on both these sales channels.
Fildena 150mg Composition
As we told you above, the composition of the medicinal substance is the generic substance to be present in the medicine.
This compositional element of the medicines is the first among the list of other PDE-5 hormone-inhibiting substances to gain the FDA’s confidence and approval to be recommended for use in patients.
It is thus that you will find numerous generic variants of Sildenafil, which also includes doses of the Fildena brand. Sildenafil FDA-approved drug brand is known as Viagra. The other dose is Cenforce 150.
Present within each of the Fildena 150mg pills is a composition of an equivalent amount of Sildenafil which prevents any symptoms of ED from coming in during its activated stages.
Fildena 150mg Company Name
Fildena 150mg is a specific brand name and the owners of this trade name are Fortune Healthcare a company with its pharmaceutical manufacturing operations based in India.
Fortune Healthcare has seen a meteoric rise in the sales of its medicines including Fildena branded medicines. The large popularity of all the company’s brand names stems from the fact that they are manufacturing medicines at a much-discounted price along with high efficacy and customer satisfaction among its patients.
Fildena 150mg Uses
The use for the Fildena 150mg only comes in when you are confirmed of having an ED and provided that the doctors have given their concession on using the medicines.
Fildena 150mg use requires you to follow the instructions and take the medicine as informed by your doctor. Generally, since the 150mg of Sildenafil medication per pill is a high concentration you might be suffering from a severe instance of the penis disorder.
This means that most certainly the doctors will inform you to use the pills daily as a one-off pill taken on each day of the schedule.
As we have mentioned above do not forget maintaining to the precautionary measures of taking the medicine.
Fildena 150mg How To Work
The working method of the Fildena 150mg pills begins with the activation of the generic Sildenafil substance within your blood. On activation of this substance, it is the PDE-5 hormones that change its concentration essentially diminishing its actions and volumes.
During this time, the concentrations of the cGMP hormone begin rising and soon enough it can bring in the nitric oxide into effect which causes the blood vessels and arteries of the penis region to get dilated eventually letting in more blood.
This causes a much higher sensitivity of the entire region that makes you achieve a strong and hard erection on stimulation.
How To Take Fildena 150
The administration method of the medicine is an oral intake method. For you to administer the medicines you will need to ensure swallowing the whole pill without chewing on it. Also, beware that the dose is severely contraindicated when taken in with alcohol.
What is Substitute Medication for Fildena 150 mg?
Fildena 150mg Side Effects
Generally, if you are always taking the dose that is recommended by the doctors the side effects won’t occur that much. But initially, you may have some side effects particularly those that occur only mildly such as suffering from headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, dry mouth, palpitations, tremors, and so on.
In a very rare instance is it possible that you may get the more severe side effects of the medicine such as chest pain, fluctuations with your heartbeat, priapism, vision blurring, and so on.
Like any medication, Fildena 150mg can have side effects. The most common side effects include:
- Headache
- Flushing
- Nasal congestion
- Upset stomach
- Dizziness
It is on experiencing such side effects that you must completely stop taking any other doses until you have consulted with the doctors.
Serious Side Effects:
- Immediate vision loss
- Erection is painful
- Abnormal heartbeat
- Chest pain
- Back injury
- Disconcerted abdomen
Fildena 150mg Dosage
Since the amount of Sildenafil Citrate contained in the dosage of 150mg per pill is a high one generally, the doctors will ask you to rake in no more than one medicine each day.
Always oblige with this dosage schedule and avoid deviating from it. During your dosage, it is better to fix a time when you can decide on your convenience and have the medicines simultaneously each day.
Avoid missing out on a dose as potentially due to the absence of Sildenafil no changes will occur and this may cause you to have no erections.
On the other hand, it is also crucial not to increase the dose any further without getting further confirmation from the doctor as such an action could potentially lead you to suffer the side effects.
Fildena 150 Safety Information
The use of Fildena 150mg will only become valid when you ensure maintaining various safety regulations and guidelines.
During the intake of the medicine, you must not use alcohol since it is one of the highly contraindicating substances with this generic drug substance.
Other than this, always remember about the time when you have administered the previous pill. Ideally, it should only be taken at least 24 hours before.
Always take your medicine just preceding your sex time and once you reach home. Avoid taking the medicine when you are driving on the way since there is a possibility of suffering from headaches, dizziness, and nausea, which may make driving more difficult.
Avoid being too tempted to use the medicines when the doctors have already recommended you not to due to your health being unsuitable to administer the dose and adjust with the actions of Sildenafil.
Fildena 150mg Storage
It will need a storage condition that is neither too hot nor too humid. You will have to find such a place in your house that is also concealed such that your children don’t find it out that easily.
Remember that you will need to avoid storage places such as the bathroom or the kitchen in your house since these have the maximum humidity conditions within them.
The temperature that suits the Fildena 150mg pills the most would be within 30 degrees Celsius and with a mild humidity condition only.
Fildena 150mg Warning
- Its use comes with certain warnings as well.
- You need to be within 18 to 64 years to administer the pills.
- You must also be warned of certain medicines that may have contraindicating effects.
- On the other hand, doctors may not even recommend you for using the pills provided you have a severe issue of an existing cardiac disability, a liver or a kidney issue.
- Similarly, it is those patients who are suffering from high blood pressure already who are unable to administer the pills.
How Long Does Sildenafil Stay in Your System?
Fildena 150 Mg can stay in your body for long hours. It will show effects for almost 5-6 hours.
Can You Take Fildena 150 mg Every Day?
Yes, the drug can be used every day. However, consult your doctor for proper usage.
Is Fildena 150 be taken for the rest of your life?
The drug should not be used for more than 2 years at a stretch.
Does Fildena 150 mg work the first time?
Yes, it works every time.
Why Buy Fildena 150 Mg from Mygenmedi?
The mygenmedi is an authentic store for online medication. It is the quality you can trust.
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